Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Album of the Month - June 2024: Fu Manchu - 'The Return of Tomorrow'

There is no questioning that 'The Return of Tomorrow' by Fu Manchu is the album of the month for June. Possibly for the first half of 2024. Maybe of ALL of 2024. Not gonna lie, extreme bias here. Fu Manchu has been one of my favourite bands for a long time. Mostly because they rock! For this baby the boys have put together a double album (on vinyl anyway) where one half is heavy, fuzzy tracks and half is mellow(er) tunes. All I hear is Fu Manchu. Sure, not all the songs hit you like a Chevy van on the highway but at no point did I ever think a song was all that mellow. I guess that's where the "(er)" comes in. I dunno, man. There isn't too much I feel like dissecting with this. It's new Fu Manchu and basically already classic Fu Manchu. Instant anthems. Catchy as fuck. Just what the doctor ordered. Live long and fuzz.