Sunday, March 2, 2025

January 2025: Matt Recommends

Super late this time. Things. In the interests of moving on I won't say much. But, that's also kind of on purpose because the the bands whose albums I'll be recommending today don't say much either. They're either completely or mostly instrumental. A direction I've been leaning into more lately. Dig these three.

Fogdriver - 'Dancing Fire': This one really got my motor running. This German trio is actually four members. Their visual artist, Tanja, is considered a member and that's really cool. Now that would be a live show to see! I'm going to check some out on Youtube. Fogdriver are easily categorized as instrumental psychedelic space stoner post-rock. Pushing all the right buttons! I especially dig the bass. I like the way it drives over you. It's wicked. Groovy. Easy to get lost in. Spotify says this was released in January 2024 but that's wrong.

Mogwai - 'The Bad Fire': Full disclosure. This was my first time listening to Mogwai. Ok, maybe I did back in 2001 because I worked with a guy who liked them. I was young and stupid and not open to instrumenal post-rock. Now I am. I've yet to find out how typical 'The Bad Fire' is of their output but I liked what I heard. Reminds me of Godspeed You! Black Emperor. (The visual aspect of Fogdriver made me think of GY!BE.) A couple tracks have vocals. No biggie. They're not bad vocals. Going back for more of this one and back to 2001 to see what I missed.

bunsenburner - 'Reverie': Instrumental again as promised. This time heavier and with more elements of doom. Also from Germany like Fogdriver, and recorded in a live setting which Fogdriver does as well. They have to know each other, right? Don't let the black metal cat fool you. No screeching. Not vocally anyway, obviously. Some experimental tendencies let the guitar do some screeching though. A lot of the time it's either chill as fuck or groovy as hell. There even a bit of spaghetti western influence. There is a lot going on. And ya sure repetition is expected but bunsenburner don't drag it out too long. It's even got one of those "when the riff comes back...but slower" moments. At least one. Not your boring ass instrumental crap!

That's all folks. I have no more words today. Other than "check out my January 2025 Spotify Playlist". (I didn't hear Fogdriver or Mogwai until February. Good thing I was late.)